Added Create multiple reports and sections document containing R markdown used to generate multiple reports that can contain multiple sections, generated from information in a data frame, using the palmerpenguins’ penguins dataset as an example.
Added REST API endpoints to the grid reference functions using the plumber package.
Added get_cran_package_system_dependencies to extract a list of system dependencies for CRAN packages listed in a renv lock file. It is an example of the use of the httr package used to query a REST API, taken from the collation and modification of functions in the David Neuzerling’s getsysres package, converting the nested list API response to a tibble.
Updated Run validation checks document to use a functional sequence to store verify functions used to validate column names.
Added Git notes for setting up the Git and GitHub environment, pulling and pushing own and others R projects to Git and GitHub, working on branches and reverting changes, written whilst reading Happy Git and GitHub for the useR.
Added hex logo for package using Colin Fay’s hexmake shiny app.
store 1.0.0 2021-07-02
Updated add_image_shadow which creates both an internal image and image shadow to include example image taken from Alison Horst’s penguins art.
Updated roxygen2 documentation and examples tags for functions and lookups removing repeated text and examples and using ragg package for saving png images.
Added Docker notes for writing Dockerfiles, creating Docker images, running Docker containers both locally and using cloud services.
Updated compare_dataset_versions function to automatically detect the row containing the column names on importing the results file.
Updated country_codes look up table to link to the table view in documentation. The table view was created using the gt package.
Updated Create and update a package document.
Added tally_counter and click R6 functions to provide a quick and easy way to monitor progress whilst iterating through a data frame. These functions are written using R6 object-orientated programming with an example of using purrr’s pwalk function and … to pass one row of a data frame at a time into a function.
Added create_bounding_box function to create a bounding box from corner coordinates using the sf package.
Added compare_dataset_versions function to identify changes between older and newer versions of a dataset, using the daff package.
Added extract_polygons function to extract and dissolve polygons from geometry collections using the sf package.
Added PostgreSQL database notes containing useful SQL, database management and link to Microsoft Access guidance.
Updated extract_delimited_list parent function to optionally remove duplicated elements in a list.
Added Raster package tutorial notes made whilst reading The Raster package by Robert J. Hijmans.
store 0.4.0 2021-04-23
Added gridsquare_geometry S3 class of grid reference functions using parent gridCoords function from archived rnbn package to convert British and Irish grid reference to its square polygon geometry feature. Example uses dplyr::rowwise function to apply function to each grid reference in the dataset.
Added hectad, pentad, tetrad, monad and hectare S3 class of grid reference functions to convert higher resolution grid references using parent gridRef function from archived rnbn package.
Added as_gridref, precision, projection, easting and northing S3 class of grid reference functions using parent gridCoords function from archived rnbn package. S3 classes described in S3 chapter of Advanced R.
Added extract_paragraph_delimited_list family of extract_delimited_list functions. This function adds two carriage returns and new lines as a delimiter.
Added vc_grid_square_intersects A data frame listing the vice counties intersects with 10km, 2km and 1km grid squares.
Added uk_ireland_tenkm_grid_squares A data frame listing UK and Ireland 10km grid squares along with their country and whether in the UK, on land or sea.
Added nbn_demonstration_dataset An example data frame containing bird example records used to demonstrate the NBN Gateway.
Updated get_database_connections examples to include using dplyr with databases.
Added GDAL commands document for importing and exporting spatial layers into SQL Server, PostGres and Spatialite.
Updated add_tibble_to_list to add list to the parent environment calling the function rather than the global environment, as described in the rlang package.
Added tidy_spatial_data to help in cleaning spatial data frames using the sf package.
Added Run validation checks document to information, providing examples of the use of the assertr and assertthat packages for validation.
Updated extract_delimited_list parent function to apply sort, handle NAs and optionally add additional text to separate last two items. Additional extract_space_delimited_list function added.
Added uk_ireland_base_map A simple features data frame of the British and Irish coastline derived from the Oil and Gas Authority’s OGA and Lloyd’s Register SNS Regional Geological Maps (Open Source) layer.
store 0.3.0 2021-03-17
Added eda_variable_collection to run all the exploratory data analyses on a data frame, provides examples of using the dlookr and inspectdf packages and setting the project root directory using here package.
Added eda_variable_correlation to display a plot of the correlation matrix for each variable within a data frame.
Added eda_variable_outliers to display the variable outliers within a data frame.
Added eda_variable_distribution to display the distribution of numerical variables within a data frame.
Added eda_variable_summary to export a summary of the variables within a data frame as plots and a table.
Added add_image_shadow to add a shadow border to an image, with the example of parallelization using the future and furrr packages to batch add border shadows to images within a directory.
Updated add_new_spreadsheet added filter parameter to turn off adding filter to spreadsheet capability.
Updated country_codes look up table to include European Union membership.
Added reduce_image_size to reduce the size of an image, with the example of parallelization using the future and furrr packages to batch reduce images size within a directory.
store 0.2.0 2021-03-02
Added get_postgres_connection to connect to PostgreSQL database.
Added display_table to display data frames in a formatted html table.
Added county_codes look up table of ISO-3166 three letter country codes and United Nations regions.
Added add_new_spreadsheet to add a tibble and optional image to an Excel spreadsheet.
Added add_tibble_to_list to prepend multiple tibbles into a list which can then be converted into a single tibble using dplyr::bind_rows function.
Added get_mysql_connection and get_sqlserver_connection to connect to these databases.
Added functions to use the keyring package to store securely store database credentials.
Added Create and update a package document to information, providing steps for the creation and documentation of a package using the usethis and pkgdown packages.