This function returns the grid reference's easting in metres.

easting(x, ...)

# S3 method for gridref
easting(grid_reference, centre = FALSE)



A Great British or Irish grid reference character string with class gridref.


Should the easting be for the lower left hand corner (default FALSE) or the centre point (TRUE).


The easting of grid reference in metres.


It can check either British or Irish grid references up to 10 figure (1m precision), including tetrads (2000m precision).


A REST API endpoint is available once a Plumber router has been created and can be requested by adding _api to the end of the function.

The API returns "" instead of NULL so that it may be used with the dplyr::mutate function. Wrap the API call with dplyr::na_if to convert "" to NA.

pr("../R/gridref_api.R") %>%
  pr_run(port = 8000)

See also

Other grid reference functions: gridsquare_geometry(), hectad(), hectare(), monad(), northing(), pentad(), precision(), projection(), tetrad()


suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(store) suppressWarnings({ library(dplyr) library(janitor) }) }) grid_references <- nbn_demonstration_dataset %>% clean_names() %>% slice_tail(n = 15) %>% select(grid_reference) %>% mutate(grid_reference = as_gridref(grid_reference)) # add easting column for the centre point suppressPackageStartupMessages({ suppressWarnings({ library(dplyr) }) }) grid_references %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(easting_corner = easting(grid_reference), easting_centre = easting(grid_reference, centre = TRUE))
#> # A tibble: 15 x 3 #> # Rowwise: #> grid_reference easting_corner easting_centre #> <gridref> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 TL2384 523000 523500 #> 2 TL232839 523200 523250 #> 3 TL2385 523000 523500 #> 4 TL231840 523100 523150 #> 5 TL232839 523200 523250 #> 6 TL23248346 523240 523245 #> 7 TL23568493 523560 523565 #> 8 TL23448505 523440 523445 #> 9 TL23128324 523120 523125 #> 10 TL234850 523400 523450 #> 11 TL234846 523400 523450 #> 12 TL232839 523200 523250 #> 13 TL231841 523100 523150 #> 14 TL226846 522600 522650 #> 15 TL2384 523000 523500