This function reduces the size of an image, archiving the original image in a separate archive sub-directory.
reduce_image_size(path_image, image_size = "50%")
path_image | The character string of the image path name. |
image_size | Percentage size reduction with 50% as the default. |
The path name of image returned invisibly so that the function can be used in a piped workflow.
An internal shadow may be added when the function is called for the first time. Calling the function a second time then adds a border shadow.
Jumping rivers has written a series of four blogs for displaying images on web pages.
Other image manipulation functions:
# example taken from palmerpenguins example analysis of mass vs. flipper length # suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(store) suppressWarnings({ library(palmerpenguins) library(fs) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(ragg) }) }) # create temp directory dir_create(path(tempdir(), "figures")) # data penguins_mass_flipper <- penguins %>% select(species, flipper_length_mm, body_mass_g) # graph penguins_mass_flipper_plot <- ggplot(data = penguins_mass_flipper, aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g)) + geom_point(aes(color = species, shape = species), size = 3, alpha = 0.8) + theme_minimal() + scale_color_manual(values = c("darkorange","purple","cyan4")) + labs(title = "Penguin size, Palmer Station LTER", subtitle = "Flipper length and body mass for Adelie, Chinstrap and Gentoo Penguins", x = "Flipper length (mm)", y = "Body mass (g)", color = "Penguin species", shape = "Penguin species") + theme(legend.position = c(0.2, 0.7), legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = NA), plot.title.position = "plot", plot.caption = element_text(hjust = 0, face= "italic"), plot.caption.position = "plot") # save graph suppressWarnings({ ggsave(filename = path(tempdir(), "figures", "penguins_mass_flipper_plot.png"), plot = penguins_mass_flipper_plot, device = agg_png, width = 6, height = 6, units = "in", dpi = 72) }) # batch reduce images suppressPackageStartupMessages({ suppressWarnings({ library(fs) library(future) library(furrr) }) }) plan(multisession) path(tempdir(), "figures") %>% { suppressMessages({dir_ls(., glob = "*.png")})} %>% future_walk(reduce_image_size, image_size = "50%", .options = furrr_options(seed = TRUE), .progress = TRUE) # move figures from temporary directory suppressPackageStartupMessages({ suppressWarnings({ library(fs) library(here) }) }) if(dir_exists(here("man", "figures"))) { file_move(path(tempdir(), "figures", "penguins_mass_flipper_plot.png"), here("man", "figures", "penguins_mass_flipper_plot_reduced.png")) }