Export the collection of exploratory data analyses plots and tables into a temporary directory. This includes the summary, distribution and correlation of variables and presence of outliers exported by default, any of which may be excluded in the export.
eda_variable_collection( .dataset, summary = TRUE, outliers = TRUE, distribution = TRUE, correlation = TRUE )
.dataset | A data frame requiring exploratory data analysis. |
summary | Use the default TRUE to display variable summary or FALSE to not display variable summary. |
outliers | Use the default TRUE to display outliers or FALSE to not display outliers. |
distribution | Use the default TRUE to display variable distribution or FALSE to not display variable distribution. |
correlation | Use the default TRUE to display variable correlation or FALSE to not display variable correlation. |
The data frame is returned invisibly so that the function can be used in a piped workflow.
Other exploratory data analysis:
if (FALSE) { # example from palmerpenguins # https://allisonhorst.github.io/palmerpenguins/reference/penguins_raw.html suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(store) suppressWarnings({ library(palmerpenguins) }) }) suppressMessages({eda_variable_collection(penguins_raw)}) # move figures from temporary directory suppressPackageStartupMessages({ suppressWarnings({ library(fs) library(here) }) }) if(dir_exists(here("man", "figures"))) { file_move(path(tempdir(), "figures", "01-summary_table.png"), here("man", "figures", "01-summary_table.png")) file_move(path(tempdir(), "figures", "02-missing_data.png"), here("man", "figures", "02-missing_data.png")) file_move(path(tempdir(), "figures", "03-category_data.png"), here("man", "figures", "03-category_data.png")) file_move(path(tempdir(), "figures", "04-outliers_table.png"), here("man", "figures", "04-outliers_table.png")) file_move(path(tempdir(), "figures", "05-variable_outliers.png"), here("man", "figures", "05-variable_outliers.png")) file_move(path(tempdir(), "figures", "06-distribution_table.png"), here("man", "figures", "06-distribution_table.png")) file_move(path(tempdir(), "figures", "07-distribution_plot.png"), here("man", "figures", "07-distribution_plot.png")) file_move(path(tempdir(), "figures", "08-correlation_plot.png"), here("man", "figures", "08-correlation_plot.png")) } }